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Notes to Grandchildren – March 26, 2024 (Solar Eclipse)

21 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

NASA advises that we should view the solar eclipse on April 8 through protective glasses. Those glasses should meet the requirements prescribed in ISO 12312-2.

I have been to numerous presentations that demonstrate the damage that could occur by viewing the solar eclipse without protection.

Yet, this was published on X (fka as Twitter).


Use your reasoned choice.



Notes to Grandchildren – March 25, 2024 (Duty, Honor, Country)

20 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

I listened to a program about General Douglas MacArthur’s speech at West Point on May 12, 1962. General MacArthur spoke extensively about the core principles of West Point — Duty, Honor, Country.

The commentators focused on the need to implement these core principles — duty, honor, country — throughout the country.

Businesses have mission statements. So do colleges and universities. Even clubs and social organization have them. Why not our country? What do we stand for?

The commentators made some excellent points. However, those points eroded away with the commentators’ conclusion. The commentators used General MacArthur’s speech as a rallying call to combat all wokeness — whatever that is.

Build your personal mission statement around the cardinal virtues

  • justice
  • wisdom
  • courage
  • moderation

If you do, those will encompass the duty, honor, and country that General MacArthur spoke about.



Notes to Grandchildren – March 24, 2024 (Findlay and Hancock County)

19 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

I asked my friend, Debi, for three words that describe Findlay and Hancock County.

Debi said

  • busy
  • boring
  • pretentious

Do those words describe Findlay and Hancock County?



Notes to Grandchildren – March 23, 2024 (Crazy about the Solar Eclipse)

18 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

While listening to the radio about the solar eclipse on April 8, the commentator lost it.

The commentator concluded that the people flocking to the band of totality on April 8 are crazy.

Be aware of egocentrism — someone’s inability to recognize and understand that others may have a different point of view, perspective, perception, or opinion than they may have.

It’s everywhere.

Those points of view, perspective, perceptions, and opinions lie completely within the total control of each individual. They are neither right nor wrong. (Only our thinking attaches those labels.)

I rebel against the philosophy that everyone must think, act, believe, and perceive according to some demigod arbiter whose egocentrism warps their view of the world.



Notes to Grandchildren – March 22, 2024 (Swearing at my Ancestors)

17 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

People laugh when I tell that I spend my day swearing at my ancestors. I don’t know why they laugh.

Swearing at my ancestors is just my way of keeping them alive and present.

I’d love to know who this person is.

The photo simply notes four months.

I want to know why these people assembled and who they are.

The photograph stands silent. However, it must have been of some value; otherwise, wouldn’t it have been a snapshot instead of a framed, 8×10 enlargement?

Ryan Holiday in The Daily Dad quotes Arthur Ashe —

We are watched by our ancestors, as I am watching you. We possess more than they ever dreamed of having, so we must never let them down.

I believe that. Our ancestors only die when they’ve been forgotten. Perhaps this answers the question — Why Genealogy?

I’m always with you.



Notes to Grandchildren – March 20, 2024 (The Reluctant Dragon)

15 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

Have you heard the story of Saint George and the Dragon?

Check out “The Reluctant Dragon” by Kenneth Grahame.

I would have liked to read this to you.



Notes to Grandchildren – March 19, 2024 (Chocolate Pavlova)

14 Jun

Dear Granddaughter,

I’ve found a recipe for chocolate pavlova. Should I explore that?



P.S. The lady who cuts my hair, Joanie, makes pavlova. Perhaps she will make some for us although it will be a great project to work on together.

Notes to Grandchildren – March 18, 2024 (Onesimus)

13 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

I’m reading

The story of Onesimus touched a nerve.

  • Onesimus was kidnapped from the Akan region of modern Ghana.
  • Onesimus was purchased by Cotton Mather, a prominent theologian in Boston. (Cotton Mather and I may share some YDNA.)
  • In 1706, a smallpox epidemic occurred in Boston.
  • Onesimus knew how to inoculate people against smallpox.
  • Cotton Mather recorded the inoculation process.
  • Cotton Mather shared the process with Dr. Zabdiel Boylston who took credit for introducing the process of inoculation.

I always thought that slavery was a Southern institution. Apparently, Cotton Mather, a Boston theologian, didn’t object. Embarrassing.



Notes to Grandchildren – March 17, 2024 (Pavlova)

12 Jun

Dear Granddaughter,

I have made progress. I found a pavlova recipe that doesn’t require two days. It’s easy pavlova and only takes two hours.

That could be doable.



Notes to Grandchildren – March 16, 2024 (The Ransom of Red Chief)

11 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

I re-read one of my favorite short stories today — “The Ransom of Red Chief” by O. Henry.

Check it out … and think of me whenever you read it.

