Tag Archives: Inauguration Day

Notes to Grandchildren – January 20, 2021 (Inauguration Day)

16 Mar

Dear Grandchildren,

It’s Inauguration Day. A new president takes office. This will be the 14th president during my lifetime.

We’ve had all types.

Some were efficient while others inept.

Some were imperial while others democratic.

Some built while others tore down.

Some led with a vision of what’s best for the nation while others sought what’s best for their party, their cronies, and for themselves.

Some managed the job while others were managed by the job because the position was beyond their ability.

Some acted regally while others were oafs.

All of these people have been The President. It’s never my president or their president.

Our government rests with each of us. Vote. Don’t vote as a sheep and follow the flock. Use your reasoned choice. Hold up every candidate to the cardinal virtues whether the person is running for president or for dog catcher. Do their actions, not their words, call for your support? Where are you values?

If you vote for a liar, what does that say about you?

If you vote for a candidate opposed to equality, what does that say about you?

If you vote for an extremist, what does that say about you?

If you vote for someone who changes his or her position depending upon the audience, the day of the week, or the direction the wind is blowing, what does that say about you?

If you vote for someone who is dishonest, what does that say about you?

Our government is in your hands.

Do you want term limits? Stop voting for the incumbent!

Want to limit the power of the party? Encourage independents to run so that the matter is decided in the general election instead of a closed primary. Let the people decide.

Voters have the power. Voters can hold government responsible. Voters cannot simply accept business as usual and continue returning incumbents to office. I’ve always believed that being elected to public office was a public service and not a lifetime vocation.

Voters have many choices to make. There’s the federal level which some believe is the most important but really isn’t.

There’s the state level.

There are judicial races.

There’s the county level. These offices have an immediate and direct impact on your day-to-day life — roads, bridges, flood control, law enforcement, real property taxes, local health concerns, etc.

There’s the city level which shares importance with the county.

There’s the township level.

There are elected officials involved with education. What’s more important than the education of our children? I can’t think of anything.

It is disappointing that in our county, in our city, in our townships, for the local judgeships, and for the local school board many candidates run unopposed. Yet, these are the most important elected officials.

There are even party elections. These govern the direction of the party. Don’t let them blindly follow a personality but rather adhere to values and ideals.

This country that I love is in your hands. Care for it.

