Tag Archives: Balance

Notes to Grandchildren – January 26, 2021 (Balance)

29 Mar

Dear Grandchildren,

Today I was reviewing Michael J. Gelb’s How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci.

As I scanned through the Seven da Vincian principles

  • Curiosita
  • Dimonstrazione
  • Sensazione
  • Sfumato
  • Arte/Scienza
  • Corporalita
  • Connessione

it struck me. (Gelb, 1998, p. 9).

I had always pictured Leonardo da Vinci as an old man. Gelb provides a different image. In the chapter on Corporalita, Gelb writes of da Vinci’s poise, grace, athleticism, and equestrian skill. I have difficulty imagining da Vinci bending horseshoes. According to Gelb, he did. Apparently, da Vinci’s favorite exercises included walking, riding, swimming, and fencing.

Why do I write to you about this?

Seek balance. Life is neither all work nor all play.

You only get one body. Even though parts can be replaced — I have two new knees and two new hips — your body must be cared for. Get some exercise. Get fit. Take care of yourself. Begin now. Find a program that works the entire body instead of concentrating on parts.

