Tag Archives: Attitude

Notes to Grandchildren – March 28, 2024 (Attitude)

23 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

Your attitude sets the course for every day. If you think today is going to be the worst day ever, it will be. Contrariwise, believe today will be the best, and it shall be.

You receive what you expect.

Don’t neglect this power.



Notes to Grandchildren – August 31, 2023 (Old People)

23 Nov

Dear Grandchildren,

At the Hancock County Fair, I exchanged pleasantries with a gentleman in the Ohio Department of Natural Resources tent. After a few moments, the gentleman said, “Well, I am over 70 and must complain about something. That’s what old people do.”

I said, “I’m not interested in hearing your complaints. I prefer to face today. I can’t change yesterday; tomorrow never arrives. I deal with those things within my control.”

He replied, “You are either a teacher, a preacher, or a counselor.”

I admitted to having been two of the things he mentioned. Inwardly I was insulted by the third occupation.

We quickly moved on to talk about archery.

When we departed, I reminded him that complaints and age do not walk hand-in-hand. Attitude writes the day’s script.



Notes to Grandchildren – November 1, 2021 (Attitude)

14 Jan

Dear Grandson,

I do wish that you wouldn’t play video games before school. You seem so grumpy when I picked you up today. It took nearly 20 minutes before you’d talk to me. Please explain.

I discovered through my 71 years that each day is what you make it. It can be good or bad, happy or sad, wonderful or miserable, the best of days or the worst of days. I get to decide.

You have this ability also. It rests in your thoughts, perceptions and actions (reactions). You only need to decide.

It makes no difference whether everything goes perfectly or whether you’re performing one of Mike Rowe’s Dirty Jobs. Your attitude carries the day.

Decide what kind of day you’re going to have. Make it so.



Notes to Grandchildren – October 2, 2021 (Attitude)

16 Dec

Dear Grandchildren,

I attended a retirees’ brunch. I probably won’t go back again. The primary topics of conversation were aches, pain, and deaths. I don’t need doom and gloom conversations.

Attitude rules the day. We get what we expect. Focus on aches, pains, and death and that will be received. Focus on the positive aspects and that results.

I prefer the positive outlook … everyday.



Notes to Grandchildren -August 14, 2021 (Attitude)

24 Oct

Dear Grandchildren,

As I was returning from taking my garbage to the dumpster, another resident of the Oaks got off the elevator. We exchanged greetings. As she walked away, she said,

As I rode the elevator to my floor and walked to my apartment, I couldn’t help but think that for that resident today would be a LONG day. As you think; thus shall it be.

Attitude makes the difference. We get what we expect. I remember a series of cartoons by Screen Songs distributed Paramount that began each short this way:

Get your mind right and good things will follow.

People have endured disease and injury with the right mental attitude.

People have survived incarceration and torture with the right mental attitude.

People can handle anything with the right mental attitude.

Attitude is everything. As you think; thus shall it be.

Accentuate the positive.




Notes to Grandchildren – May 7, 2021 (Attitude)

9 Jul

Dear Grandchildren,

Attitude rules the day.

We decide what kind of a day we are going to have. Our thinking makes it so.

I remember many days that I believed would be filled with problems; they were. It happened when I was a student, when I worked on my father’s farm, when I taught, when I was a guidance counselor, when I practiced law. I even remember driving down a lonely, dark road and thinking about a flat tire that occurred within two miles of thinking about it.

Until the last five years, a scale, measuring good days versus bad days would tip significantly towards bad days. Why?

  • I created more of them with my thoughts.
  • I failed to recognize the power I had over each day.
  • I didn’t understand how practical the Stoic philosophy could be.

The converse is also true. If you believe that each day will be fantastic it will. It’s one day at a time. Problems will still arise, but our thoughts and perceptions manage how those problems are perceived.

Use the power you have, I do. Recognize what lies within your control and what doesn’t. Work on what is within your control — your thoughts, your perceptions, and your actions (reactions) — and stop wasting your life worrying and trying to control things beyond your control. Life will be much better.



Notes to Grandchildren – July 3, 2020 (Attitude)

30 Jul

Dear Grandchildren,

Isn’t it amazing the things we get to do today?  The hours just fill themselves with activities.

How you look on the activities depends on you.

You could view them as momentous burdens:

  • build in Minecraft
  • go gem mining at Seneca Caverns
  • engage in combat in Star Wars
  • play with Transformers, Ben 10, and Star Wars figures
  • create with Legos

You could view them as pleasurable moments:

  • make your bed
  • pick up your toys
  • walk the puppy
  • put your clothes away
  • help around the house
  • do your homework

(OK, Grandfather fell on his face while trying to be funny!)

The view depends on you.  Some people don’t get to do any of these activities.  You do.  Be thankful.

Your attitude on these endeavors rests solely with your thoughts and perceptions.  How you choose to face these activities determines your outlook.

Give it a try.  Perhaps a positive outlook will Keep You on the Sunny Side of Life just like the Carter Family sang about.

