Notes to Grandchildren – March 23, 2024 (Crazy about the Solar Eclipse)

18 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

While listening to the radio about the solar eclipse on April 8, the commentator lost it.

The commentator concluded that the people flocking to the band of totality on April 8 are crazy.

Be aware of egocentrism — someone’s inability to recognize and understand that others may have a different point of view, perspective, perception, or opinion than they may have.

It’s everywhere.

Those points of view, perspective, perceptions, and opinions lie completely within the total control of each individual. They are neither right nor wrong. (Only our thinking attaches those labels.)

I rebel against the philosophy that everyone must think, act, believe, and perceive according to some demigod arbiter whose egocentrism warps their view of the world.



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