Notes to Grandchildren – January 23, 2021 (Happiness)

25 Mar

Dear Grandchildren,

Happiness can be found inside you. You will be as happy as you want to be. It’s your perspective.

Do you see the glass as half full or half empty?

Nothing outside of you can solve your problems.

If money was the answer neither lottery winners nor professional athletes would go bankrupt.

If relieving stress through alcohol, prescription drugs, or illicit drugs was the answer would there be a problem with addiction?

Changing locations doesn’t change the person. You can be just as lonely in New York City (or wherever) as you can in Findlay, Ohio.

You can be a dedicated follower of fashion but that doesn’t mean you’ll belong.

The power to be happy, to be contented, to solve problems rests within you.

Focus on your thoughts, your perceptions, and you actions (reactions). Your life will have meaning. You will find everything you seek.



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