Notes to Grandchildren – January 22, 2021 (Externals)

22 Mar

Dear Grandson,

Friday you got upset that the puppy had crewed on some project you were working on in the backyard. Were you making spears from sticks? I couldn’t understand that the project was, but your anger was most evident.

Momma told me that today you got upset at Walmart because they didn’t have a LEGO toy you wanted to buy. I heard there was quite a tantrum at Walmart.

Grandma is upset that the former president has made Mar-a-Lago in Florida his home after vacating the White House. Apparently some agreement existed that specified a term of residence at Mar-a-Lago for the former president which has already been greatly exceeded. Grandma does not reside in Mar-a-Lago nor does she have any interest in Florida.

Each of these instances reflects that people get concerned, worried, and upset about events beyond their control.

  • Puppies crew on sticks.
  • You have no control over Walmart’s inventory.
  • The former president’s move to Mar-a-Lago has no impact on Grandma nor can she do anything about it.

Why do we allow events beyond our control to consume us? We can’t change them.

Focus instead on what’s within your control. You’ll have a better life.



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