Notes to Grandchildren – January 21, 2021 (Question)

18 Mar

Dear Grandchildren,

Always question.

Such much garbage fills social media. I’ve started asking where this came from. I receive silence as an answer. This leads me to believe that whatever was posted was simply a figment of someone’s imagination.

This shares the same credibility as unnamed sources relied upon by journalists. How do I know if what is reported came from a legitimate source or some misfit that occupies a corner desk in the newsroom who is typically under the influence of some licit or illicit drug.

Question yourself. This is a good starting point.

Ask yourself the following first thing in the morning:

What am I lacking in attaining freedom from passion?

What for tranquility?

What am I? A mere body, estate-holder, or reputation? None of these things

What, then? A rational being.

What then is demanded of me? Meditate on your actions.

How did I steer away from serenity?

What did I do that was unfriendly, unsocial, or uncaring?

What did I fail to do in all these things?

Epictetus, Discourses, 4.6, 34-35

Don’t become complacent. Continue to grow, evolve, develop.

I suspect many stop. They become content with where they are. They want the world to stay there. It won’t. Sadly, in their senior years, they’ll lament that life has passed them by.

Always push the envelope. Your life will be richer and more complete if you do.



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