Notes to Grandchildren – January 19, 2021 (Math)

15 Mar

Dear Grandchildren,

Math was fun today. For someone who began the day with the “I don’t understand,” you seemed pretty sharp by the time we finished.

Tell me. Is “I don’t understand” code for I’m not ready to do math?

You really got into the puzzle that required doing math problems to solve. Good job! You were a step ahead of me throughout the entire process.

I wish your math problems had normal size pizzas. I’m not very skilled at drawing pizzas with 9 or 16 slices.

I noticed that addition, subtraction, and multiplication all begin with the ones digit. While division begins with the highest placed digit. I’m challenged setting up problems the old-fashioned way. It’s no wonder your confused when everything is horizontal and you work left to right. They ought to demonstrate different options to solving the problems.



P.S. Sister certainly enjoyed being pushed on her airplane and the puppy liked your time running in the yard.

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