Notes to Grandchildren – February 4, 2020 (Losing Control)

29 Feb

Dear Grandchildren,

It’s so easy to lose control.  To get frustrated.  To get angry.  To cry.  To pout.  To scream.

Perhaps it’s just a ploy to deal with people and events.

I remember a religious sister at St. Mary’s Central Catholic High School. Whenever she didn’t get her way the sniffles began and the tears were not far behind.  Sometimes she got her way.  Sometimes she didn’t.

What kind of legacy did she leave?  Instead of being seen as a strong person, she left a legacy of being weak and petty.

Sadly, I have lost my temper too often.  I want to be a stronger person.  It’s something I work at everyday.

I hope you succeed in becoming a strong person.



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