Notes to Grandchildren – February 1, 2020 (Temper)

26 Feb

Dear Grandchildren,

Beware.  Hot tempers run in our family.

Your great grandmother wouldn’t scream or shout.  She gave the silent treatment.  She would also do little things to get even like throwing all my toys and baseball cards into a cistern because of something I did.  (I don’t recall what it was; however, those toys and baseball cards would probably have had some value today.)

Your great grandfather would get violent.  I recall him taking a sledge hammer to a piece of equipment that broke while we were trying to repair it.  It only made the problem worse and added to the repair cost.

I also get angry.  I swear.  I curse.  I’ll avoid the source of my anger, but have taken unnecessary risks and caused myself injury.  Guess my anger is a combination of both of my parents.

It’s a weakness.

It’s embarrassing.

Strive to control your temper and your anger.  When you can, you will be a far stronger person than your Grandfather.



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