Notes to Grandchildren – January 31, 2020

25 Feb

Dear Grandchildren,

You are many things.  One important part are your values and core beliefs.  Keep in touch with them.

Exercise your values and core beliefs like you do your body with karate, running, jumping, zip lining, bicycling, etc.  What I’ve done to make this world a better place? What I have done to help others?

Study.  Values and core beliefs don’t exist in a vacuum.  They need to be fostered and nurtured just like when Yoda was teaching Luke about the Force in the swamps of Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back.  I read The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman, write you notes on the inspiration from today’s reading, and use it as part of my daily meditation.  Other philosophical materials cross my desk — the Bible, religious essays from all religions, ethical materials.

I don’t necessarily have one set of beliefs. (Many of the world’s religious share a common core.  Sadly, too many people get wrapped up in the false belief that only their religion is the right religion.)

I measure my life by action, not words.  Am I acting consistent with my values and core beliefs? (The same yardstick applies to others.)

Make the world a better place. Help others. Show your values and core beliefs by your actions.



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