Notes to Grandchildren – March 25, 2024 (Duty, Honor, Country)

20 Jun

Dear Grandchildren,

I listened to a program about General Douglas MacArthur’s speech at West Point on May 12, 1962. General MacArthur spoke extensively about the core principles of West Point — Duty, Honor, Country.

The commentators focused on the need to implement these core principles — duty, honor, country — throughout the country.

Businesses have mission statements. So do colleges and universities. Even clubs and social organization have them. Why not our country? What do we stand for?

The commentators made some excellent points. However, those points eroded away with the commentators’ conclusion. The commentators used General MacArthur’s speech as a rallying call to combat all wokeness — whatever that is.

Build your personal mission statement around the cardinal virtues

  • justice
  • wisdom
  • courage
  • moderation

If you do, those will encompass the duty, honor, and country that General MacArthur spoke about.



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